Team Role: Founder & Captain
Mechanical Lead / Strategy Lead / Videographer
Shishir is a Freshman at Georgia Tech focusing on Biomedical Robotics.
FIRST had been a part of Shishir’s life for eleven years, starting from Jr. FLL in elementary all the way to FRC in High School. Along with FTC, Shishir was also the captain of his FRC team, Team #1510 the Wildcats, and the president of the Westview High School Robotics Club. During his FTC and FRC years, Shishir focused on the mechanical aspect of the robot, Strategic Design, Custom Fabrication, Competitive Analysis and Game Strategy.
He is very passionate about teaching newer students what he knows and pass down his extensive knowledge of FIRST and robotics. He is also interested in videography and video editing, and has created multiple robot reveals and award videos that have won awards in two consecutive World Championships at Houston. Apart from robotics, he loves to swim, cook and play drums.